February 21, 2013

The "oh-so-chic" dress!

tnra4 tnra0 tnra6 tnra5 tnra2 tnra1 tnra3 tnra7 

 Isn't this dress adorable? I loved it the instant I saw it on TinaR website, mainly because of that shade of green and the shape of the skirt - so young and fun! And the fact that it is made out of two different fabrics which work together so amazing and the skirt is made out of faux leather? That is something that stuck into my mind. 
 I received this dress yesterday and I couldn't wait to take some photos in it and also with my new pair of killer heels which make me feel like a queen (oh yea...I have a huge grin on my face now)
 Hope you like it! 

 Nu-i asa ca rochia este adorabila? Rochiile TinaR sunt mereu chic si pentru toate varstele, asta mi-a placut mereu la ei, iar de rochia aceasta pot sa spun ca m-am indragostit! Mai ales de nuanta aceea de verde si de croiala ei joviala. Dar cel mai mult mi-a atras atentia partea de jos care este realizata din piele falsa, este usoara si are o textura superba; mi se pare ca merge de minune cu partea de sus. 
Rochia este disponibila pe site-ul TinaR, doar online dar ghiciti ce! In perioada februarie-martie, pentru comenzile ce depasesc 50 RON, aveti reducere de 10% de la mine ! Trebuie doar sa introduceti codul "FRUMU" in casuta de voucher inainte de a finaliza comanda. Simplu! 

 Spor la shopping!

Wearing: TinaR dress, MiniPrix shoes (Fullah Sugah brand), H&M tights, vintage bag and belt, Meli Melo black ring. 



  1. Rochia e foarte frumoasa, dar pantofii aia...salivez deja!

  2. You look so stunning, I just can't <3 Your skirt is AMAZING.

  3. the outfit is so beautiful and the dress very chic


  4. Ce-mi plac ciorapii albi! Clar trebuie sa-mi cumpar o pereche!

  5. you look so awesome and classy in this outfit! nice red hair too!
    would you like to follow each other?

  6. Oh the dress is just splendid on you! I adore the leather and the shoes are super awesome! :D

  7. e superba rochia, si culorile iti vin de minune

  8. I just love the shoes!!! They are great and you look awesome in them! From the first picture when I saw th clutch I scrolled down to see where you got it only to find it's vintage :((..well that's my luck..
    Kisses Deea,

  9. The skirt is crazy gorgeous and so is the whole ensemble, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. uber cute. si.mi place si plicul crazy vintage! :D

  11. This is seriously one gorgeous look! <3 I love your white tights - such a pretty touch!

    Lost in the Haze: A Fashion Photography Blog

  12. Plicul vintage este preferatul meu, dar de ce să nu-ţi spun că şi rochia, şi pantofii, şi dresurile sunt nişte piese superbe.

    Mă bucur să găsesc şi aici o fană MiniPrix.


  13. rochia este superba si iti vine ca turnata

  14. Love love love the colors!!:D

  15. This is perhaps the most stunning set of pictures on the entire Internet! Your outfit is gorgeous, you're gorgeous - not sure what else to say but WOW!

    I love the light tights with the dark shoes - very feminine, which fits perfectly with the flirty skirt line.


Every little word is highly appreciated! Thank you!