July 12, 2013

Love to fall in love

xzz1 xzz3 xzz2 xzz6 xzz5 xzz4 xzz8 

 You know, I easily fall in love with certain clothing items when I see them hanging beautifully but lonely in a shop or with jewelry and I do restrain myself to not buy them all, but I do make a selection every now and then, hoping they still exist and on an impulse I just let myself be devoured by their beauty. I felt that way with these shoes I am wearing here, with the sandals I received yesterday, with a certain pair of turquoise colored earrings I saw a few hours ago, a 1950's vintage dress way too expensive for me right now [sigh].. and I can't help but wonder how powerful this feeling is for..objects. I think it's safe to say I am addicted to it. And boy, I do get goosebumps! 

 Wearing: TinaR top, Vero Moda jeans, Miniprix.ro shoes, vintage bag, H&M and New Yorker bracelets



  1. Îmi plac mult pozele. Locatiile, desi comune la prima vedere, sunt foarte de efect când pozezi tu.
    Gorgeous bag & sandals.

  2. Ce dulce esti si pisicoasa in toate pozele! Imi plac in mod special cele cu detaliile... le modific in vreun fel? Adica, le dai vreun efect? La asta ma refer... parca ar avea niste shadow pe margine... arata foarte bine! Foarte dragute sandalele, topul iti vine super si imi plac bratarile foarte mult, toata tinuta e super ok!

    Azi sper sa postez si eu fotografii de miercuri de la ziua mea, te astept mai diseara sau maine dimineata pe blog: http://diana.doubleweb.ro

  3. frumos...si ce pantofi veseli ! :)

  4. Wonderful top! I love the details :D And the shoes are very very lovely :D

  5. frumoasa! love your look! xxxxxxxx

  6. Foarte draguta bluza, ti se potriveste asa de bine culoarea verde! Ador bratarile!

    P.S - check out my new post: http://roxxanaifrim.blogspot.ro/2013/07/deep-purple.html

  7. Those colors really put out your hair! Love it!

    Venoma's fashion diary

  8. Love love love that top and the bag:D Awesome look ;)

  9. Cute heels.


  10. Your heels are so cute!



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