July 26, 2013

Red riding hood in the city


 I just love this girlie outfit, makes me feel like I'm sixteen due to that short dress - yes, it's a dress underneath the shirt - because you know I don't usually feel comfortable wearing mini skirts or dresses, even though they are pretty. But this was a fun experiment to do, layering that is, and I am pleased with the result.
 Sometimes we just got to take out that inner child in us and just play, because how else can we live in this chaotic times? Days, weeks...years are moving way to fast and I am still wondering when people stopped taking a breath to properly appreciate things.

  vivviv6 viv2 viv5 viv3 viv7

Wearing: Dahlia dress underneath, vintage blouse and bag, MiniPrix.ro sandals, handmade necklace.

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  1. Imi place enorm tinuta! Totul arata foarte bine!

  2. you are totally right,we forget to appreciate the things we have too often.great outfit btw :)

  3. Ce frumoasa e nuanta parului. Imi place mult si colierul:)

  4. that is a lovely outfit. Loving especially the skirt


  5. You are the cutest! You should always wear short things and show off those spectacular legs! Red lace = love! The sandals are also adorable!

  6. Ce dragute sunt sandalutele! <3

  7. Eu n-am mai iesi din rochii si fuste scurte, daca as avea picioarele tale. E pacat sa le ascunzi! :)

  8. You are so lovely my dear, this red lace is just perfect on you. I love your shoes, as well. I agree that it's nice to appreciate the little things and dress up like a young girl at times!

    Xo, Hannah


  9. Tinuta este absolut minunata!!
    Nu stiu daca ti-am mai zis , dar ai niste fuste superbe, sunt favoritele mele.
    Esti un fel de Scufita Rosie a secolului XXI.

  10. I love the dress and the top is very cute! :D

  11. Hihi, tocmai iti raspundeam la comentariu si iti spuneam ca tie iti vine bine orice!

    Si chiar asa e, ia uite ce picioare superbe ai! Te flateaza lungimea mini, eu zic ca ar trebui sa porti mai des!

    Te imbratisez calduros!


Every little word is highly appreciated! Thank you!