June 10, 2014

Meet me at the playground

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 Surprise, surprise! A fairy came over night and blessed me with super long hair and boy, was I amazed! Joke aside, these pretty long locks are actually hair extensions and this is my first time trying them on. At first, I wanted to wear them straight, but I realised that my hair is too short and cut too straight, so the hair extensions didn't blend in that well, so I thought curling them is the best option for me. 
I was so surprised after I put them on, I had long hair before, but not this long and never with so much volume!

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My hair extensions are from Irresistible Me, they have two lines, the Silky Touch, which are more budget friendly and the Royal Remy that are designed to last longer because of the silicone oil that protects them from heat or styling products. Mine are Royal Remy, in color Light Red, they are 18 inches and 200 grams. The best thing about this brand is that you can customize the length and weight which is quite cool and of course they are made from natural human hair and believe me when I say they are super silky and wonderful to wear and style!
They come in ten pieces which is more than enough to cover your head and create volume and I didn't even felt it was necessary to wear them all, so I left behind about two or three wefts.

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And here are some pictures with my curled hair without the extensions

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Quite the difference right?
The color is an almost match, I really don't mind that they are a slightly different shade of red towards the ends, I think it makes them look quite interesting.
I personally love them and can't wait to wear them again!

Wearing: Sheinside skirt and blouse, thrifted belt, shoes from HERE  and handmade ring

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  1. The extensions look great! When I first saw the photo on FB, I thought it was an older pic, back from when your hair was long :D

    I agree with you, I like the color difference as well.


  2. Those hair extensions are stunning and I love the dress


  3. Those hair extensions are stunning and I love the dress


  4. So pretty, love your hair and your outfit!

    Check out my latest OUTFIT POST and my other posts on Venoma's fashion diary
    XoXo Venoma

  5. You look girly and cute and the hair extensions suit you well

  6. Super tare!! Iti sta atat de bine cu bucle, iar din fata nici nu zici ca ai extensii, spun asta pentru ca am vazut o poza spre sfarsit unde parca s-ar observa diferenta.. dar probabil pentru cine nu stie, nici nu sesizeaza.. imi place tot!!


  7. lovely outfit, beautiful flowery blouse and nice skirt, love that the belt is colour coordinated with the blouse

    you have really beautiful hair, it's what caught my eye in the first place when I saw your post on a fashion group, I thought it was all yours, incredible hair extensions

    stay stylish!

  8. Woaaaah, cat de super! Arati ca o printesa, imi place la nebunie! Chiar si fra extensii, iti sta foarte bine cu bucle! <3
    Frumoasa e si fustita si arata superb cu acea camasuta!

    www.pink-wish.com ❤

  9. Wow, ce frumoasa esti si ce par superb ti-ai facuuut! Chiar nu imi mai pot lua ochii de la tine! Ca sa nu mai zic, tinuta este preferata mea de pana acum!

  10. Thank you guys for the sweet words!

  11. Buna :)
    Vreau si eu sa te intreb, cam in cat timp iti ajung comenzile de pe Sheinside ? Vreau sa stiu pentru ca mi-am comandat si eu cateva rochii pentru un botez si o nunta.Am vazut ca pe site scrie 15-28 de zile lucratoare insa vreau sa stiu sigur daca tie ti-au intarziat vreodata mult peste 28 de zile :)
    Multumesc frumos :D

  12. Buna Ana,

    Majoritatea pachetelor de la ei ajung in aproximativ o luna. Nu au intarziat niciodata 30 zile insa.

  13. I absolutely love your hair extensions. I've been wanting to get some for awhile. My hair I fairly thin and I think it just adds so much volume and beauty. They look really natural and most definitely a product that I would be interested in trying. They look like they are easy to work with and I can't believe how natural they look!

    Collene Puterbaugh @ Baja Hair Center


Every little word is highly appreciated! Thank you!