April 3, 2011

And I pity any girl who isn't me today

Did you miss this wall?
I didn't.. These are the first photos since my return from Portugal and well...there is no time for beautiful landscapes or places.
Gosh that contrast bewtween me and the building is something isn't it? Quite strange.

I found that green dress after I saw these two from the Fall 2011 fashion shows. First one from Marc Jacobs and second from Mulberry. They resemble, and believe me, I haven't gone shopping thinking "I want a dress like that". But they stuck in my mind and when I saw that one when thrifting, I thought "wow!" And of course it cost about 10 times cheaper I imagine.

Marc Jacobs


Yes, yes I know these are meant to be for the upcoming season, and I am in a some kind of Spring, but I just felt the need for color and well.. due to the grey tones in this city and the neutral masses, everybody stared. And I felt so good!

Wearing: thrifted dress, Mondex tights, Stradivarius shoes, Takko jacket, Meli Melo scarf, H&M bag.