April 25, 2013

The Wonders at Steilmann


 The other day I was asked to style an outfit for the event that will take place this Saturday, meaning a fashion show , so together with the other lovely bloggers from Cluj we will be there but alas not running down the catwalk (thankfully!) Each one of us was given a certain brand and we were able to play with clothes just the way we like to. My whole outfit is from Steilmann, a brand perfect for those who prefer casual chic clothing but also for those who prefer a classic cut. 
 I chose to wear what I love most: colors and prints! These pieces make a perfect match, and of course, the two are in trend this season, right? 

 Zilele trecute am fost rugata impreuna cu ceilalti bloggeri de moda din Cluj sa cream o tinuta pentru prezentarea de moda ce va avea loc sambata in Iulius Mall Cluj la care va veni si Andreea Raicu ca invitat special! Fiecare din noi a avut cate un brand de unde putea sa isi compuna o tinuta dupa bunul plac. Tinuta mea este creata de la Steilmann, un brand rafinat de care sigur ati auzit, unde gasiti piese vestimentare atat casual-chic cat si cele cu o croiala clasica, office ceea ce face magazinul sa fie foarte versatil pentru bunul gust al multor persoane. 
 Bineinteles ca am ales sa port ceea ce iubesc cel mai mult: imprimeul si culoarea! Am ales asadar acest blazer dintr-un material natural si foarte placut cu un imprimeu delicios, asortat cu o pereche de pantaloni de o culoare intensa! Nu puteam sa ma hotarasc la ce imprimeu sa ma opresc sau ce culori sa adopt, chiar ai de unde alege! Daca ne uitam cu atentie, observam ca toate acestea sunt in tendinte sezonul acesta. ;) 
Ah si..sa nu uitam pantofii care se imbina perfect cu tinuta prin acea pata de neon-oranj, numai la Il Passo.

  stt3stt stt5 stt2 stt7 stt4

 Va astept in numar cat mai mare sambata de la ora 18:00!

Wearing: Steilmann outfit, Il Passo shoes


  1. Love the bright colors in this look! Very pretty!



  2. Iti vine foarte bine tinuta.Geanta tot de la Steilmann este?

  3. The shoeees! They are superb and the print is glorious! :D

  4. Very nice! Love the last two pics!

  5. Pantofii sunt minunati fara doar si poate :X



  6. Lovely jacket honey! Wanting for more pictures from the show!
    Kisses Deea,
    The Lovely Darlings

  7. Love the pants and the print!!


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