July 15, 2014

He loves me, he loves me not


 I love taking photos in gardens among flowers or nature, so the minute I layed my eyes on this dress, I already made up a scenario in my head and I thought the botanical garden is a great place to go. It's not the garden of Versailles and I wished there were more flowers in bloom, but it was good enough.
 I am hunter of big prints as you know, specialized in floral ones, so the moment I say those cute daisies on this dress, it was instant love! I like the transparency and the fact that it is daring and delicate at the same time. In a word: feminine!
Oh and yes, the retro '50s silhouette is the cherry on top, as the word goes.

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Have a great week guys!

Wearing: dress from HERE, Depurtat.ro shoes, H&M rings, The Bag Shop bag, vintage belt.

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  1. Absolut superb totul!!
    Pozele si locul sunt de vis, vreau si eu sa ajung in celebra gradina botanica, despre Cluj e vorba, nu?
    Rochia e absolut superba, machiajul, accesoriile, cocul, totul e perfect <3


  2. Gorgeous dress, you look amazing!

  3. Musze przyznać, ze sukienka jest bajeczna!
    Chociaż na stronie prezentuje się kiczowato i szczerze mówiąc w życiu bym jej nie zamówiła, to ty wyglądasz w niej naprawdę świetnie! Bajkowo wręcz :D

  4. The print and the hairdo are so beautiful! And the location is stunning :D

  5. Love the color and print of this dress. Great pick Ana!


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