November 3, 2014


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 Another week has past and another month came, and how fast I might add! 
I dare say I have become a bit lazy. I was thinking of posting more often but other things just got in the way, then Halloween came and I had to party with witches, Jokers and other dreadful creatures downtown. Saturday I had to take time and recover from the night before (not that I am much of party girl, but from time to time it is necessary - yes, I said "necessary") and only then I was able to make these photos. On Sunday I wasn't much at home to post them, so here I am Monday at noon, wishing you all a very wonderful week ahead and at the same time wishing myself to get up and do some errands before my work starts. Oh..the necessities of life. Sometimes I so desire a butler and a maid. Speaking of which, I must see the new episode from Downton Abbey! I guess my errands will have to wait...

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as you could!

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Wearing: H&M sweater, Oasap necklace, thrifted Primark bag and belt, Zara skirt, H&M rings adn tights, Bershka shoes.


  1. Bună,
    Vino și ia gratuit imagini animate gif de iarnă frumoase pentru blog.
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  2. Frumoasa si curajoasa combinatia :).
    Imi place mult alaturarea dintre puloverul burgundy si fusta alba .

  3. Ce tinuta frumoasa! Cromatica e extrem de placuta vizual, fusta e superba, iar culoarea parului tau se potriveste perfect cu absolut tot! :)

  4. Adorable outfit and you look really lovely!

  5. Super draguta tinuta, imi place mult! <3
    In penultima poza zici ca esti spion si pandeai pe cineva! :))
    Te pup! :)

  6. That burgundy sweater - it never gets old, it's so, so beautiful I must look for mine ^_^

    And I can't believe how pretty it looks with the white skirt.

    Hugs & have a beautiful week as well!


Every little word is highly appreciated! Thank you!