January 5, 2014

Like an onion or a cabbage..but a fashionable one!


When the temperatures go as high as 7 degrees Celsius (44 F) in January and a coat seems too much to wear (at least in my book) try wearing layers! 
 The vest-over-a-jacket may not be an original idea anymore, as I have seen this mix before, but that vest winked at me and like a silly infatuated girl, I smiled and took it out for a spin. I love that little faux fur around the neckline, it feels so soft and cozy. 
Needless to say I felt almost like an onion wearing so many pieces of clothing and yet so comfy and pretty. And now let's hum alltogether: " I feel so pretty/ Oh so pretty/ I feel pretty and witty and briiiight.."

  wia4wia4 2 wia wia1 wia5 wia2 

 Enough rambling, I have to pack for tomorrow's seven-hour wonderful journey..

Wearing: no name vest, Takko jacket, vintage sweater, Zara dress underneath, Sheinside.com earrings, borrow bag from a friend (thank you!), Milan suede boots.

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  1. Foarte draguta tinuta!
    Am mai purtat si eu combinatia vesta si geaca, dar parca tot imi era frig, tot mai bine e cu o parka groasa sau cu palton :)
    Oricum arata tare chic outfit-ul tau

  2. Imi plac suprapunerile astea si vesta la final :D, abia astept sa-mi ajunga vesta comandata, you look cute!!

  3. Gorgeous look! Hope you're having a happy new year!



  4. Haha, I always hum that song, I love it :)). Your fur vest is totally amazing, I want one!


    P.S: Have a nice train ride!

  5. Amazing layering! Can't take my eyes off your photos! You look beautiful!

    All the best for you and your loved ones in the new year!




  6. Si eu ma simt impanata cateodata iarna:( dar partea buna e ca putem purta hainute pufoase si cu blanita! Vestuta asta e suuuperba, imi place enorm! <3

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