May 9, 2014

The perfect dress for a carefree day


This dress I have on me feels featherly light and also so soft that makes you want to embrace yourself while wearing it. Or twirl around in it until you fall. In any case, it's one of the best acquisitions I've made and it only cost me like $5 - it's also making me proud knowing that. 
Here I am walking on a very warm day, running errands, cursing the sun that is killing my photos, but also enjoying delightful walks and delicious ice creams. I wish life can be carefree like this all the time. But I guess you have to be wear a magical dress to feel that way when you need it.

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 Wearing: thrifted dress and belt, Zara jacket, Asos shoes, vintage bag, Kittenhood earrings.

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  1. it's nice to see you're still wearing the earrings! they go so well with your pretty dress.

  2. E o minunatie de rochie! E exact stilul meu si arati adorabil!

  3. You look adorable in that dress! Lovely styling;)

  4. Superba rochita si 100% stilul tau, iti vine foarte bine <3


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